This system is an extension of the Workload Catalog from Service Now. This system should be used to describe the tech stack of each of your workloads or components. The description (StackItemType) is simply a categorization (Framework/Platform, OS, Web Server, Front End/UI or Database) along with the technology and (Stack Item) (.NET 4.7, Red Hat Linux 6.5, Apache 2.4, React 16, MySQL 5.7 etc), version and expected end of life date. This data will be used to drive technology roadmaps to ensure or platforms are updated. To begin adding components and stacks, start at the Delivery Stream and drill down into Release Train then select your Delivery Team. From your Delivery Team page add all components that are owned by your team (this list should ideally mirror what is in Workload Catalog). Once you have components you can begin adding Stack Items to each component describing the Framework/Platform, OS, Database, Web Server and Front End/UI. If you are unable to find an existing Stack Item and Version to describe your component Stack Items and Versions can be added on the Stack Item page or accessed at anytime through the top nav bar. Before adding a new Stack Item confirm it has not been previously added in. By all using a common list of Stack Items we can gain insights into our stacks across the organization and generate useful Technology Radars. Technology Radars can be generated at the Delivery Stream, Release Train or Delivery Team level by click in the "Generate Rader" link on any page. End of life timelines can be found on each Delivery Stream, Release Train and Delivery Team page. Hold the 'ALT' key while scrolling the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.